My baby is here(sorry it's a little long)


We tried for 4 years to have a baby. Finally we got pregnant. The pregnancy was good, no problems. At my 39w4d drs appointment we talked about being induced at 41 weeks. Well at 40 weeks exactly I got contractions and thought ok we are getting this started lol. Come Monday I lost my mucus plug and the contractions got stronger, so we went to the er to get checked out. I was only 1 centimeter and they said I was in early labor. By Wednesday I haven't slept at all bc the contractions was 5 mins apart and strong. I went back to the er and I was still 1 centimeter and said told go home and labor at home.(they couldn't do nothing till I was 41weeks)

I was trying everything to get labor really going like waking, sex, spicy food. Thursday I had a drs appointment and I was telling her how I had such pain in my back and she said if it gets to bad go to the er. I made it to Friday lol I couldn't sit or stand it just hurt. Me and my husband went to the er once again bc of the pain, to finally get good news that I was 3 centimeters and I would be able to stay at the hospital. I got some morphine to help with the pain. I got up to use the bathroom and come out and in the middle of the room I stopped and felt a lot of pressure and then it was like I was peeing my pants. They said I broke my water and things would start going faster. By then it's like 6pm and I wanted the epidural, I was 5 centimeters. Every time I laid on my back the baby's heartbeat would drop so I would have roll to my left side. While taking to my husband about midnight, I felt a "pop" and fluid come out(My husband said I jumped 2 foot in the air when it happened) I was 7 centimeters by then and got some sleep on and off till about 5am. They said it was time to push!!! I was so ready to see my baby, but she had other plans. I pushed for a hour and they tried to use the suction twice and then her heartbeat dropped too low to keep trying. So they said I needed a emergency c-section. Off I went, no tells you how cold the room is or how numb you are and out of it. Finally on 11/11 at 7:58am our sweet little 7lb 21inch Joey-Lynn made it into this big world. My husband got to be with her for a whole hour before I made it back to my room. I sometimes think she has a better connection with my husband bc he was there first. But she's our whole world.