Okay I know this probably makes me sound like a horrible person but hear me out.

I have a 2 year old and I’m pregnant with #2. I love my son more than anything but I cannot stand kids!

My own kids are wonderful, but other people’s kids drive me INSANE.

Or dealing with and watching other people’s bratty kids throwing fits and screaming while the parents just say “aww” or literally LAUGH at their kids doing it, THEYRE GOING TO THINK ITS OKAY AND FUNNY TO ACT THAT WAY!

Sometimes I can’t help but roll my eyes or have to walk away from other kids.

Not all kids though, I love my friend’s kids and stuff. But majority of kids make me crazy.

Does that sound horrible? As I’m typing it i feel so bad saying it but it’s true!

I’m not a babysitter type person even though I grew up with my mom having a daycare.

Had to finally say it. IM SORRY!