I wish I was "dad."

Very long rant..

Just a rant. Aunt Flow may have caused it, possibly. Or just stress. 🤔

I wish I was dad.

Here's why, I wish I had dads job.

I Come home from working crazy hours, sit in my chair the second I walk in the door. Have my entire dinner plate made & Served to me, in my rocker. May have four kids to take care of, but the only thing I do is show up for "play / cuddle time." I change one diaper, a week, if that. Even though, I have two in diapers. I may not be here when they wake up, but even when I'm home during bed time, i still only put one to bed, maybe once a week-if that.

Although I'm constantly gone, I can still claim I'm with my children & love them so much, and they're my world, like they're with me 24/7.

Even though, I don't make bottles, cook meals, even give the kids a snack! I always said when they got older, it's be easier, to help out and take them for a while! But, my oldest is almost two, and he only goes if I chose it's okay. Even though, he's screaming his brains out & misses me so much. When I am home, & I'm actually here in the house (maybe three hours in a day.) I only scream at the two big kids & make them help, while I sit in my rocker. But, I'm such a great dad.

Mom seems to have everything under control, while chasing down the toddler & getting him changed & put down for bed. While the other baby is in the next room over, screaming it's brains out. I might get out of my rocker, but don't. I wonder why she's always mad at me..

Here's why I wish I was the "man of the house."

Because, I get to bitch about food 24/7, how dirty the house is, laundry isn't done, so I'll yell about that too. But, I'll sit here in my rocker, and take a nap. I wish I could get some appreciation around here, maybe even some cuddles / love- while I'm in my rocker, and she's chasing kids while trying to clean the house. Man, I sure am hungry. Maybe I should go see what the neighbor is doing. She might have food cooked, kids asleep & house clean by than... Okay, it's been over six hours, on my one day off of work. House still a mess, kids still screaming, no food still. Maybe I'll go outside in the woods for a few more hours. Mines well, enjoy my only day off. Dinners is finally made, no lunch for tomorrow though. Kids should be ready for bed any minute, I'll go take a shower after I eat and leave my dishes laying around. She'll clean up the kitchen and take care of the left overs.

Hey, it's finally 11pm, she must be ready for bed now. Maybe I can get laid.

Moms side of life is now into play.

Lemme get these farm animals fed, cleaned, watered, let out to play. While taking 15 breaks of running back inside to help the baby and than back out to take care of the toddler screaming running around playing in duck shit. Okay, back to chores. Everyones fed/watered, toddlers still covered in duck shit-heading into the chicken coop. Well, time to put up the feed buckets. I'll have to chase the toddler out of the chickens, force his crying screaming self back into the house, without tracking poultry poop throughout the entire carpet.

Oh, look, the infant is screaming his brains out again. Throw the toddler into the tub, get the baby fed and shit where in the world did I leave my coffee cup now?! Finish feeding the baby, get the toddler back dressed. Oh look, the damn barn cats are drinking my coffee again while the little rat dog is pooping everywhere except outside.

Maybe, just maybe now, I can make a new cup of coffee, refill my outside water jugs, and try to find my counter top. Oh, that damn phone is ringing again. Lemme go answer it. Yes we have that available. Yep, come on out in about an hour.

Get the toddler down for a nap, the baby fed & changed again, maybe I can do up some dishes. Nope, phones ringing again, dogs are chasing the neighbors livestock. Cool. So fetch the dogs, bring them back home. Now, maybe I can start doing the floors. Maybe find that missing hat... Oh, look, stupid phone again. Fiancee is in so and so waiting on this or that load. Okay cool gotta go. Got shit to clean.

Look at that, that baby is hungry again.

Crap, it's payday, forgot we had to go to town. Mines well wake the toddler up, get him loaded. Load the infant, feed him again so he sleeps through the trip.

Okay, it's time to pick the big kids up from school. Load the little ones back up. Listen to the infant scream, toddler scream, both scream, damn that stupid phone is ringing again! Imagine that, fiancee is waiting on another load. Yep, can't really hear ya, kids are screaming. Oh okay bye.

Time to get home... Infant still screaming, toddlers hungry-even though he literally ate sense the sun rose this mornin.

well, now that we're home, we (i) have one hour to get chores done AGAIN. Look, the dogs are tearing shit up, the toddler let chickens out, again! Back to the duck pool he goes! Kids are screaming they're hungry, animals are crying their dying from no evening food, Dogs are knocking the big kids over, with feed buckets fully loaded. Yet, the baby finally decided to take a nap.

Good, evening chores are done-time to start dinner! Let's do homework, and try to keep the baby asleep. Meanwhile, the toddler has emptied every dresser draw in this house. Let's go clean that up...

Good, dinners done, babe FINALLY walks through the door...-read back to "being dad." ---did you ever make it to the parts store today? I needa a new head light.. Mother F..... Nope. I'll have to go tomorrow.

Where's the beer..! I wish I didn't have to force someone to pitch in..

🙄😔😣🙁 that's my daily routine.