After anxiously waiting for 9 months, I am finally able to hold my little one in my arms

After anxiously waiting for 9 months, I am finally able to hold my little one in my arms. He was overdue and I had to be induced at exactly 41 weeks (hospital rule). I went in early that morning not knowing what to expect. Still at 41 weeks my cervix remained closed (0 cm) dilated. So a pill was inserted to speed up that process. The pill  caused small contractions that were too frequent and that stressed my baby out and caused his heart rate to drop. I was then given Pitocin to increase the intensity of the contractions but instead it seemed to have made matters worse! After about 5 hours of contractions and deliberating doctors I was taken to the OR for a c-section. About a half hour later the sweetest sounds blessed my ears! The cry of my firstborn! I'll never forget it!❤️😃