3 days late. Test inconclusive... what do I do?


I have been feeling off the last few days. I have had a normal cycle for as long as i have had a period. My fiance and I were recently reunited after a long time of not being able to see each other. so it was a lot of crazy nights 😉. Anyways.. before I was suppose to get my period I had been feeling extremely tired and exhausted and I'm not very active. my back has been killing me and I was always feeling like I was going to puke although I never did. Now I am 3 days late and all those symptoms have gotten worse. I have developed cramps in my back and abdominal area. I am praying for my period to come. But every day I wake up and it doesn't show. should I test again? or is it to early? should I just wait it out? please help😳