Ectopic pregnancy, I’m freaking out??

I had a pregnancy scare and recently got over it as I got my period a few days ago. My boyfriend asked me how I was feeling and I told him I had very painful cramps this morning. They woke me up and I couldn’t lay there any longer, I had to get up and take 4 ibuprofen for them to calm down. During this period I’ve noticed I have abdominal pains. It’s not very often, I didn’t have then yesterday but before my period I got them and I had some this morning. Sometimes it feels like it’s only on my left side and other times it’s on both sides or in the middle but they’re all below my belly button. I told him about this and said I could have an ectopic pregnancy, I’m almost positive I’m not pregnant I don’t feel like I am and its been like 2 months since we had unprotected sex for a few mins and then he finished with a condom on. Does this sound like an ectopic pregnancy to you?? Any opinions welcome and needed, sorry if this is a dumb question Im just ready to stop worrying😕