broken heart


my ex bf and i (both 15 and sophomores) had been dating for 5 months and i was in love with him. before you go off on me in the comments, i spent months wondering if i was in love, and i really think i was. i told him i was in love with him a few weeks ago and he said it back. however, i was a bit skeptical and asked him about it and he said he still loved me but wasn’t in love and was just caught up in the moment. he’s an amazing guy, and i figured he would fall in love over time. fast forward to a few days ago, he was really distant so i decided to ask him about it because i was becoming really hurt. i told him to be honest and he said he just didn’t love me so we ended things. i know y’all are going to judge me but i sucked his dick a few times and now i just feel used. i was crying in school and a couple days after i got to facetime him and ask him a few questions because i just needed closure. he said it was getting to a point where it was becoming very one sided and that hes never been in love so he felt like it was just an unhealthy relationship. he said that he didn’t think we were good together but i felt such a strong connection so that really hurt. he said he wanted to be friends and that he cared about me. yesterday i was good for most of the day but at night i got super emotional. i asked my friend about it and he told me to talk to him. after only saying hey he told me he wanted space, which i kind of understand. he didn’t seem hurt at all when i talked to him, which is good that at least one of us is happy but it sucks because it proves he never felt the same way. i feel so shitty because he became one of my best friends after all that time dating. a week ago i could tell him anything and vice versa and now he’s pretending like i don’t exist. when i spoke to him on facetime he said that he’s told me stuff he’s never told anyone and he wants to be friends but now he’s changing his mind and i hate it. ik he’s my ex, but it sucks that i can’t talk to someone i was so close to in such a rough time. i need advice on how to get over him and how i can become friends with him again. please help, i need it