I don’t know how to tell the difference?!?

I recently got my period a few days ago. Before my period came it was a week late and a few days before it came I had light cramps and light abdominal pains. Now that it has came i am having very painful cramps, which I pretty much always have painful cramps, but I’m also having abdominal pains. They’re not super frequent but I can feel them in the middle of my abdomen below my belly button and sometimes it only feels present in the left side of my abdomen. Is this just normal period pains or could this be an ectopic pregnancy?? Now that I’m reading more into it I’m freaking out and I can’t tell the difference from normal period pains or an ectopic pregnancy. Please, any opinions or experiences would help tremendously. I know you’re probably not a doctor but just opinions or advice would be such a big help. Thank you.