Breastfeeding and bottles... got this Mama in tears..

So. A little bit of a back story...

When my baby girl was born, she lost almost an entire pound within a day. The hospital staff said that was too much and told me to formula feed until my milk came in to help her gain weight.

I had a c-section and my milk didn’t come in til day 6.

I was SO happy it came in, I just sat there and cried like a baby.

I felt like my little girl had a pretty good latch. I’m a first time Mama, I should add...

anyways, when we had our first doctors appointment with our family doctor, he was concerned about her weight gain, or lack there of. He told me to keep supplementing with formula for a week while still putting her on the boob.

We went back a week later and she didn’t gain that much in my doctors eyes. She gained 3 ounces in a week.

My doctor once again TOLD me to keep supplementing.. it upset me greatly. I felt like a crap mom not being able to produce enough milk to feed me baby. This is part of my job as a woman and a mother. I would loose countless hours of sleep just crying. Feeling like a failure.

Might I add that I don’t have any judgement for formula feeding mamas out there. Everyone has their own path and opinions and how they want to feed their babes. In my opinion, FED IS BEST.

It’s just my emotions. They are scattered all over the place..

My little girl is now 10 weeks old, and STILL supplementing. I know I’m producing enough milk, because my boobs leak all the time. Plus I pump, and can see how much I have to give her. Problem is, she won’t latch good for me now. For the past few weeks it’s been rough.

Is there hope for us?

I’m feeling very down and hopeless...

Thanks for listening to me vent.