
Stacy • Together 15 years, married for 7.5 years and have a 5.5 year old 🌈👦🏻boy and a 16 month 🌈👶🏼 boy 💙 and two 🐶

Soooooo... here I am waiting for AF to start my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> cycle. With the holidays, I didn’t realize I was late and when I did, just figured it was because I just had a miscarriage and my body is out of whack. I thought, what the heck, I have a test so I’ll just pee. I was shocked that I got a BFP!!!! I mean, so happy, but so confused. After all my failed IUIs and miscarriages and months of failed trying before starting to see fertility specialist in May, we just got pregnant. I can’t believe this!!!!