Positive Tesco Digital


So me and my partner have been trying for years this year in March I found out I was pregnant and soon after had a miscarriage at 7 weeks..

So we carried on trying and in October I thought yes this is it!! I realised my af didn’t show then I started to get some bleeding so I thought I’m out this month all of a sudden the bleeding just stopped I was like that is so weird but didn’t think too much of it.

November 16 I took a test and it was positive I was like omg, so now I am worried I’m thinking what was the bleeding about?? I’ve been worried all weekend so I took another one November 20 even after having some juice a few hours before and I got another positive.. am I pregnant I really hope I am as I feel like this is so beautiful to be a mother I was also having problems before with ovulation the doctor said I wasn’t at all now all this is happening I’m so shocked