When did you decide ivf was the right path?


Hi, all! I need a bit of advice. some background on my story.. my husband and I have been trying since May 2016 so we're coming up on 18 months of trying now..16 of those we know we've had the timing close. In September I finally went to my doctor who discovered I had a cyst and through laproscopy to remove that cyst found out I had one blocked tube. She unblocked it but said it wasn't likely that it will function, so I'm stuck with one tube but I do know that I ovulate every month like clockwork. My husband got tested as well and his counts are okay but very slight morphology issue. He has since given up caffeine and drinks only occasionally in hopes that it's helped.

it's now been two months since my laproscopy and my husband wants to wait until February to see a specialist to talk about <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> because he thinks the cyst was causing the issue and now that it's gone we have a chance. He keeps saying I just want the sure thing with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> and really wants me to hold out longer.

I'm 33, going to be 34 in June. I don't want to waste any more cycles..I'm so over the heartache that each month brings.

my question is..how long did you all wait or how did you decide it was time for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a>?