Miracle 💜


I posted a few days ago about baby not growing and I want to update/share my (kinda long) story with you all!

This is a new pregnancy after a loss in July at 11 weeks. This is my third pregnancy and will be my second child. 2 weeks ago I went in for brown spotting. I typically wouldn’t have been concerned but I needed the rhogam shot so my doctor asked me to come in. While there they did an ultrasound. I have a tilted and oddly shaped uterus so they were having a hard time but they found what looked like a 5 week empty sac. Since it wasn’t super clear they sent me to another office for a high definition ultrasound, this one also showed a 5 week empty sac. They said it’s ok not see anything yet but may be a blighted ovum as this is my second ultrasound showing an empty sac.

Fast forward 10 days to my first official appointment. I was pretty nervous. I couldn’t stop thinking how horrible I would feel to have 2 miscarriages in a row. I get there and they do the ultrasound and again have a hard time. I had 2 different doctors look at the ultrasound and were told they “think” they found my sac. Unfortunately what they “think” they found was again a 5 week empty sac. They told me to go to another high def ultrasound in 3 days and gave me “the talk”, prepare for the worst, don’t get your hopes up, blah blah blah. Those 3 days killed me. They checked my HCG and levels were rising, for those of you familiar with blighted ovums, you know that doesn’t really mean it’s viable.

Ok so now here we are 3 days later. I’m waiting for my 4th and possibly final ultrasound to confirm what the doctors believe is going to end in miscarriage. I’m silently dying inside. I lay on the table and she starts with and abdominal ultrasound because I explained my uterus issues. She checking the ovaries and measuring. I’m yelling at her in my head to just move to my uterus!! Finally she says “ok we’ll measure your uterus now”. I’m bracing myself for heartbreak. She moves the wand and I instantly see a baby! I almost jumped up, she was laughing and told me to lay back down. She then turns the screen and I see it, a beautiful little fluttering heartbeat. I started bawling. This poor woman didn’t know what to do with me. She laughed as my husband told her they were happy cries. I had to calm myself down because I was shaking the ultrasound and she couldn’t measure baby 😂 I am so unbelievably excited. God is so good! My sweet rainbow baby is 7 weeks, due July 10th! ❤️