You can't sit here...


So, I'm 38+1 being induced next Monday. Decided to take my kids, 7 and 9 to the arcade in the mall. Didn't need anything at the mall, no other reason to go except to spend time with them and take them to do something i may not get to do for a while with a newborn. Plus, they have been so helpful and considerate, pretty much taking care of me and making sure I'm always ok.

To start, we park at the opposite end of the mall because I really wanted to go to Bath and Body Works first to get my daughter some lotion. Stood in line for 30 minutes there.

Now to the arcade.

We get there and there are no places to sit at all. Now, it is near the food court, but closer to the mall exits and has exit doors of its own, so sitting in the food court is out of the question because I'm not leaving sight of my kids.

I find a race car game and sit there. My son is getting tokens with the $27 he earned doing chores and things at his dads... he saved up just for this. There are literally 5 kids in this small area all playing, but in no way was there any reason for what was about to happen.

I start looking at my receipt for the Bath stuff and the worker for the arcade tells me that I can't sit, basically anywhere in the arcade if I'm not playing. Mind you, I'm about to pop, each of my kids has over $25 to spend to try to win their overpriced crap that I could easily get them at any store, but they wanted to play. I threw a fit. I told my son to stop getting tokens and to get his money back from the man and that we would not be spending money in that place at all. My poor son.

So my husband calls while I'm waiting. I just start crying trying to tell him how rudely I'd just been treated. I got the number for management and my husband called and told his manager what he'd done. Apparently this "man", (literally looked like he was in his late 20s for sure) has been in trouble before for having his friends come hang out up there. She said she would check the cameras and have a talk with him.

He ruined the day for my kids. I had to sit in the food court balling my eyes out because I was so pissed and also sad that my kids had looked forward to this, just to have it jerked away because I'm a whale and needed to sit after walking across the mall and standing for the last 45 mins.

I'm so ready to have this baby. I probably overreacted and looked like a crybaby, but I was pissed being treated that way as a customer.

What do you think?