How was your LO birthday party going?


My daughter had her birthday party yesterday , but it was as family in law hosted the party for her, I appreciate it a lot! But the party was start at 6pm( it should start 4pm but everyone came so late) , cut her cake at 7:30pm then piñata time was 8:30pm, they play really loud music and make my daughter dancing around even she don’t really understand just don’t want to leave my side , my daughter was really tired and too much thing going on , she just screaming and screaming....then I bath her put her to the bed she fall asleep by 30 sec BUT all they talk/ laugh so loud and wake my daughter up then she screaming and won’t go back to sleep till 12:30am....

Tonight when I try to put her to her crib she just crying and crying want me hold her, she was screaming even I just next to her crib and pat her talk to her....

She sleep by her own with no problems since 8months old and now I feeling every thing back to before when we co-sleep!