Pressure/Stinging and cramps

😭😭 I'm 34 weeks. Had an ultrasound today and baby is measuring only 2 days behind (my First was small at 6lbs/18inch and he was early 37/5. I had preterm labor contractions with him also and was on Procardia until 36 weeks. Like I am now with my second) but I had my baby shower yesterday and hadn't put anything away yet. I took a 3.5 hour nap today and was so exhausted still after waking up. I started nesting hardcore this evening and cleaned up and put away everything from the baby shower, organized all the drawers in my sons room, moved a freaking dresser from my stepkids room to my sons room and I just HAD to unpack his 3/6 month clothes and get them ready in case he comes early lol. My back is now killing me. Now I'm tired all over again but I'm having some MAJOR pressure and stinging in my vagina and I'm cramping. No contractions though because I'm on my medicine. Our hospital is 40 minutes away so I'm not planning on calling and going in unless I am in pain. But I feel like I'm going to start labor soon lol. Maybe I'm just anxious to meet him. I lost my Mucus Plug the other day and it had some blood in it too. He's already weighing in at 4lbs 14 oz. I'm just so confused because I feel like he's on his way. He is already engaged and is very low. My cervix has dropped too. I checked it earlier today and it WAS way high last week but now it's like right at the entrance. I'm talking all over the place. I'm just venting and nervous lol