best friend stealing a lot of money from me? What do you think?

So this is obviously not a boyfriend post but rather a “best friend post”. I’ve known this girl for 7 or 8 years and we have only had about 5 arguments ever and they were small and were resolved quickly. So what I’m saying is that she has never done anything terrible to least not until now.

This girl is pretty immature for her age. She steals from her parents a lot and makes a lot of dumb decisions. She really just hasn’t grown up and nothing has helped her. I try my best to be a supportive friend to her, but I obviously disagree with a lot of decisions she makes.

About a month ago, me and her were hanging out. We went out to dinner and then took our kids to a family halloween event, then I just stopped to get gas. I had a good amount of money in my wallet that I was saving for the next day to get my phone fixed.I pulled out my wallet in my car at the gas station, got out 10$ for gas, zipped my wallet back up, placed it in my middle console (and never got it out again until the next day) and went in to pay for gas while she sat in the car with the kids. So basically what I’m saying is, my wallet nor my money never left that car.

The next day on my way to my Apple appointment, I got my wallet out of the middle console where I had placed it last night and opened it to find all my money missing. And once again, it was a good bit of money so I was frantic. I pulled over and searched my whole car and found nothing.

My first thought was someone had to have had to take it from my car. But here’s the car locks on it’s on. Yes! My car keys are broken so my car literally sits there and locks constantly by itself. On top of that, I never forget to click lock even if it does it automatically. Also, why was the cash the only thing missing? Why wouldn’t have a robber taken my debit card that was still in there? Or my social security card? Why not my Micheal Kors wallet?

I didn’t want to blame my friend, but it was the only explanation. I had to have this money before my appointment, so I texted her asking if she might have mistakenly grabbed it, but she wasn’t replying so I texted her boyfriend whom she lived with. (Might I add he has accused her of stealing before) I just simply asked if she had had a good bit of money with her recently because I was missing some and maybe she accidentally grabbed it. He replied “Was one of them a 50$ bill?” because she apparently had one.

I was shocked. Yes. One of my bills was a 50. I have only owned a couple 50’s in my life and we definitely don’t see them often. You can’t get them from a bank unless you specifically ask. I only had one because it was a gift. Plus this girl doesn’t work..she didn’t have a lot of money the night before.

I really haven’t wanted to blame my friend but theres no other possible explanation. I’ve retraced my steps, went back to the gas station, gone over everything in my head...but there’s no other explanation..especially with her history of stealing. A year or two ago, this girl stole and sold her moms MacBook.

Anyway, I haven’t talked to her because she of course denies it and I haven’t known what to think. It’s not even about the money it’s just the fact she betrayed me like this and lied about it.

She texted me earlier asking if I would attend her son’s birthday party. I want to reply, but I don’t know if I should. Do I move past this?