Chemical pregnancy

Ann marie

After having a miscarriage two years ago and then a year ago giving birth to a healthy baby I thought I was done with the feeling of loss. Four days ago I got a faint positive on a pregnancy test and was happy but unsure since I didn’t want to get hyped up and get really disappointed. My hubby was really excited and as a result really built me up for another baby. Fast forward ... today I started bleeding and no line on a pregnancy test that I took. I only knew for four days and it wasn’t like my miscarriage when I knew for 10 weeks I was pregnant. Four days... but I feel the same heartbreak as my miscarriage. Am I crazy to feel this way? I want to cry but today is my baby’s first birthday and I don’t want to upset her or my hubby. Hubby know that I think it’s a chemical pregnancy but he still holds out hope and that kind of kills me since I’m bleeding red blood and feel like my period has started. I also found out my best friend was pregnant yesterday with her second baby but was two weeks ahead of me... or at least would have if this pregnancy lasts.