
Hannah • First pregnancy- miscarriage, 22.10.16💞👶🏼 Second pregnancy- baby girl, Maci 29.07.17🌼💫 Third pregnancy, baba bolton #2 due 24.12.18🌹✨

so the past couple of weeks my baby girl has been really unsettled during the day, crying, whiney and get clingy to just me🙄 meaning I don't get much done! shes also very dribbly we have to change her top 3 times a day, she's always got her hands in her mouth, every now and then I notice her cheeks are very red. last night I noticed her nose was running then we had a terrible night sleep, she's slept at least 8 hours a night since she was 6 weeks old and last night she woke at 3am had 8 ounces of formula then cried unconsolably untill 6am when she finally dropped off, slept till 10am made her a 6oz bottle which took her 2 hours to drink and didn't want another bottle till 6pm and I still had to basically force her to drink it! could she be teething? or something else? when I run my finger get her gum I can't feel any teeth but I did notice today that it looked more red than usual. any ideas??