My SO's Mother 😡😡😡

My SO's mother is fucking AWFUL. When I say this woman is fakest, biggest compulsive liar, gossip queen, "oh poor me" ass woman, she is AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!! She talks about EVERYONE, but pulls the "oh poor me" card.. Everyone mistreats her! She has nothing.. is always using her son (my SO) for money, draining him out. She had a job & said she got let go bc her term was over. She showed me a text message on her phone from "her work" & as she was reading the delivered message, I was reading the one above it. It said the exact same thing like she text them that & they sent it right back. In my head, I'm like hold on🤔, I look up & SHE TEXT HER DAMN SELF!!! She lied & told everyone the sad story about them texting her & she has nothing. She just lies. She also hates me & is always doing something... like she told my SO's ex, mother of his child, that I was pregnant or going around saying I was. First, I'm not!? Second, if I was it wouldn't be anyone's damn business, especially his ex?? Makes me want to say "keep on & when we do decide to have one, you wont get to see or watch him/her if you keep on". She tells me "as a friend" I need to leave him alone & tells him shit so he will leave me. No, we have been together 4 years, not happening. She is just always doing or saying SOMETHING!!! & I try my BEST to get along with her, I do. I bite my tongue always, but this....this on top of everything else she has done, it's getting hard.

OBVIOUSLY Thanksgiving is in a few days.. she asked me about a week ago what I was doing, I said "We are going to my aunt's" She said "We?" I said "Yes, me & ------" She said "Oh okay" & stopped talking.

Fast forward to yesterday, she can't get a hold of him (My SO) so she comes to me.. she says "I need to get a hold of him, he wont answer, I need $40 for Thanksgiving, bc me, him, & his brother, I figured we could split food $40 each for Thanksgiving"

I said "Um, he's coming with me to my families" Her "Well I didn't know. I need to talk to him" end of conversation. She knew, she's being her dumb ass self.

He calls & tells her no, he's not doing that.


He was with them last year so this year, it's my families turn. She is testing me I swear. My face twitches & I have to bite my tongue & be nice but I am so close to snapping. I always talk to him about things, I haven't with this yet bc she will end up pissing him off & he will snap on her like always. She is just an awful woman y'all. idk what to do!!! She is a MOOCHER, a compulsive LIAR, she talks about EVERYONE, she is FAKE, she is MESSY, I just want to fucking punch her sometimes but I can't.

WHAT WOULD Y'ALL DO!? Like I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with this man, hopefully. That is our plan. So she will always be in the picture. What do I do???