DATE AND BEST FRIEND! Really sweet story!!


So my best friend is a guy and we know everything about each other. He's totally cool with the whole periods thing and we talk pretty openly about sex (we don't have sex though we are in high school) but he liked this girl, Shelley, and I wanted to play matchmaker. In the end I found out she doesn't like him so I had to tell him. He was completely heartbroken. He was really upset that he wouldn't have a date to the next few dances like all his friends so I said "Well then we can go together." And here is part of that text conversation

So we are going to the dance! But that's not all!! I have clinically diagnosed PTSD and anxiety and because of that, I get really stressed out when people don't answer me. He was busy so he didn't get a chance to answer me this morning and because I was already feeling pretty low, all I did was apologize and tell him what a horrible person I am because even though I don't try to, I get super stressed out and a little depressed. So after my rant, this is what he says to me.

I love him so much. Ladies, get yourself someone just like him. If you've ever had someone like this, comment below! We always need super awesome stories!