Baby shower issue with Aunt

Jessica • SAH mom/wife of 2

So when I got pregnant with my first child (girl) my aunt of course wanted to do everything cause I was having a girl. She has only 2 boys and when I was born, being the first girl out of her brothers and sisters, I was spoiled and she consider me her's and now with my daughter she always says "my girl's". Well me and my husband recently found out we're having a boy, did a gender reveal and of course she was team girl but ever since finding out I'm having a boy her attitude has changed, which I knew was going to happen. And certain people that was at the party could tell something was wrong with her which I think is bs. It's not about what she wants and god forbid she doesn't get her way. Well before I even got pregnant she stated on fb "I got the baby shower" and I said OK just so she'd shut up. We'll now I want my mom to do the shower. Under certain circumstances my mom wasn't able to make the first baby shower or the birth of her first grandchild. Her sister was there for everything and now I think my mom should have a turn. Am I wrong to change my mind or should my aunt just get over it cause it's not about her or what she wants? And I'll doubt she'll want to share with my mom cause she's greedy.