
Ashton • 9 y/o son. 5 angel babies. 👼🏻

So I was beyond ecstatic when i found out the retrieved 20 eggs, thrilled when I learned 17 of those had fertilized normally. They called on day 3 the majority of the eggs were where they needed to be growth wise. When the called on day 5 and only 2 embryos made it, and again when only 2 made it on day 6, to make a total of 4. I was absolutely devastated.. Don’t get me wrong, Im so grateful and happy that 4 made it to be frozen!! But hearing that all of those chances, all of those future babies didn’t make it.. I sobbed, hysterically, called my hubby and he couldn’t even understand what I was trying to tell him. I felt like a failure.. I don’t understand why so many didn’t make it.. I was expecting to lose some, but not that many! I’m trying to keep my hopes up, but i feel like i get one step forward only to be kicked 10 steps back..