Feeling hurt

On November 14th, I turned 21! But I’m a little different. Instead going out and partying and getting wasted, I stayed home. I stayed home with my husband and two month old son. We’ve been together 5 1/2 years and married just over 2 years. And never once did my husband forget or not do anything for my birthday. Even when I turned 18, and we we’re going through a rough patch of dating, he got a small gift. But this year, he did.. And honestly, I’m crushed. This has been an extremely rough and hard year for me and he knows it. He’s never been cold to me, or upset or angry. He just didn’t do anything for some reason. Not even a simple card or heart felt “happy birthday”. We found out we were pregnant on January 17th, the night before my husband turned 20, this year. So our year started pretty crazy. We were living 2 states away from our home, he was in school and working full time, I was working 12 hour days, and I had severe sleep problems my entire pregnancy. During the day, I couldn’t stay awake, and at night, I was to uncomfortable to sleep. I brushed it off and continued to work because I was the breadwinner at the time and we were barely making it. Last day of June, my husband graduated school, and we moved back home. Everybody was so excited and proud of him. I had no job to come home to, but he did so we ended up moving in with his parents since we can’t afford to live on our own with one income and I couldn’t go back to work at 7 months pregnant. We cannot stand living with them, but it’s for our baby. So again, I brushed it off. Beginning of September came around, and our beautiful baby boy was born after a very long and difficult labor. Our family now turned to our son. I tried not to mind. But again, I was put on the back burner. Brushed it off. Just a few weeks ago, living with my inlaws turned to hell. I thought since we live with them rent free and I don’t work, I would maintain the basic housework. They got angry because they could no longer “find” their belongings because I put everything in its place but at the same time, all their personal things were still out where they left them. Not even grateful for that. Brushed it away because we need to put up with it for just a couple more months until we move away again. Now fast forward to my birthday. My husband admits he forgotten my birthday. No big deal, I thought he would surprise me with something a day late or take me out on the weekend. A week later, nothing. He doesn’t think it’s a big deal. But now I’m hurt. Just for one day, I wanted to feel loved, and appreciated. I got a card from my parents and a few bucks from my grandparents, but my own husband didn’t do a thing. All I got was a groggy “happy birthday” at 6am when he woke up for work.. Ive cried everyday for the last 5 months, and he doesn’t even know. I’m not okay. I’m tired, I’m stressed, and now I’m heartbroken. I tried telling him that I was sad about it but he thought I was joking.. I’m just so upset..