Could I be pregnant?


I haven’t taken a test yet since my AF isn’t due till either the 1st or the 3rd depending on how long my cycle is this month (it’s mostly regular but sometimes a little shorter) I would’ve most likely conceived about 12 days ago which I’m pretty sure is when I ovulated Idk but whether I did then or later I had unprotected sex both times. Anyway i has cramps around 6 days after super light and now they’re worse and I have like every symptom but I keep telling myself I’m just imagining it my symptoms are; nausea,cramps,constipation,insomnia,peeing like every 20 minutes including at night when normally I can go all day without it and I’ve never woken up for it ,acne,bloating,fatigue,cravings/normal things make me puke,my boyfriend says my boobs look huge which I didn’t notice till I looked but they really are they used to be really perky and they’re so much bigger they sage now suddenly and they hurt when I touch them. Could this be real symptoms? And could I be pregnant? I’m going crazy and I have this weird feeling but I keep telling myself it’s in my head I need someone to assure me please!