Help! First time mom having trouble feeding baby

SharLene • #girlmom💓

Hello everyone my baby girl was born November 20th at 8:41 pm I have been trying to breast feed her but my milk has not came in just yet. I have a little something coming out I can’t think what its called at the moment. Today was the day I got to bring my baby home and she nursed a little early this morning at the hospital probably around 5am then a little more I’d say 11am and when I say little I mean my baby latches and will suck for a few seconds to maybe a minute and a half then stops when I got her home I tried to feed her bc she started getting up set showing signs she was hungry so I let her nurse she sucked for just a few seconds and she fell asleep I kept trying to get her up but she is so determined to sleep is this normal behavior?