Hormones, Family, and Trying to relax.


My daughter turned 1 year old in August! I had been feeling nauseated so I took a pregnancy test and oh boy it was positive. Normally I would have been excited but i felt so sad. I didn't feel ready for baby #3! My daughter was only 1! I had no time to get baby fever and I felt dumb for not knowing my cycle better. My hubby was so happy but i just felt blue. We moved a state's when our daughter was born, to be closer to his family. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but after living so close to them for the past year its just been hard. They don't have good communication and we see them so much. I've always liked my space, so constantly seeing people just drains me. They love babies, but with our son(who is 4 now)they are short with him and I can tell they don't have patients with the kids the older they get. I'm starting to get really excited about baby #3 but i don't really want to tell his whole family yet.. the problem is I'm almost 20 weeks and will start to really show soon. And my sweet boy bless his heart he was so excited to be a big brother again he told one of my SILs.. I'm just not looking forward to all of the unsolicited advice, and their judgment(as I myself wasn't even ready for another baby).. I'm afraid I will just get mad or emotional if someone says something that rubs me wrong. These hormones really bring out the worst in me.. My hubby gets it and doesnt want to really announce it either, I mean, they will all catch on eventually right? Sorry I just wanted to vent and share, as I really am excited for baby #3! I love my kiddos so much and my hubby too so I guess I'll just keep holding onto them. Pray for me, if you pray!!