she wanted to make him a research study

Denise • Blessed with boy GIRL twins 😍 IG: xprincezzita

i’m having a proud mommy moment!!! i just got back from the doctor’s office with my baby boy (he hasn’t been eating as much as he usually does, these past couple days and i was concerned..... thankfully he’s perfectly healthy- just having an off day, or two). anyway, i had him laying down on the bed, facing the direction of a wall with stickers of the alphabet on it, and he went crazy as per usual.... “talking,” kicking, smiling, laughing! he’s a very visual baby, and has been cooing since he was about a month old, so this is nothing new to me, but his doctor was pleasantly surprised. she has a feeling that even at his very young age, he’s already starting to see colors, and that’s probably why he gets so excited with pictures, letters, and even people! according to her, my baby is super advanced and i couldn’t be more proud! i started talking at 10 months so i shouldn’t be as surprised as i am, but i have a gut feeling this little guy is gonna start communicating even earlier than his momma did 😩♥️