Pray 4 me UPDATE IVF rollercoaster


UPDATE: first scan today 6w5d did have some good news picked up HB, however measuring 4 days behind and there is also a mass inside the gestational sac that they haven’t been able to identify, I’m really worried this will be bad news, I’m struggling after two losses this year to be positive about outcome next scan is dec 29th.

BFP 3.12.17

Short protocol, gonal f 150 and cetrotide 0.25 stimmed for 11 days, 12+ follicles on day 9 @10mm

Er: 33 collected, 27 mature, 19 fertilised. (8 frozen blasts! Snow-babies)

ET: transfer went smoothly! Lots of laughs with the amazing medical team helped! Transferred 1, day 5 grade A blastocyst,

Update: very faint positive 6dp5dt, non hcg trigger so will retest in a few days to see if it gets any darker, fingers toes crossed!