
Bri • Married and mother to babygirl💓

I thought getting pregnant again would be so happy and exciting ! I’m 4 wks 2days . I want a baby so bad . I had a miscarriage back in may. They don’t know why, it just happened . I passed it naturally and they checked my ovaries and everything looks healthy . Fast forward 3 weeks before i find out I’m pregnant i go to the obgyn to make sure I’m healthy to start conceiving and everything . Doctor says i look perfect . Now i have to wait until December 10th to go to the doctor for my first baby appointment and ultrasound and I’m terrified . I keep getting really depressed about it , fearing that I’ll get the same news as last time . I keep having flashbacks to siting in that room hearing the baby has to heartbeat . I wannna be excited and tell the world and everything , but it’s so hard . I pray all day every day and night . I just need some advice or feedback 😭