Day/Night with a newborn


I’m a FTM so please no judgment!

I had my little girl a few days ago and we have been hit so hard with the tiredness.

She seems to have her day and night completely the wrong way around and will sleep really well during the fact nothing will keep her awake!

But as soon as we get into bed in the evening she’s wide awake and will be most of the night. We’ve tried settling her down just even for an hour but the only way she’ll do that is if she’s on either of us which obviously isn’t safe when you’re so tired your eyes won’t stay open.

She has a Moses basket (which she happily sleeps in during the day) and a small crib although she didn’t seem to like that.

Does anyone have any tips for settling? We’ve tried swaddling, making sure she’s got a clean nappy and a full tummy.

Or does anyone have any tips on how they keep themselves awake? I’ve been sat watching tv for the last two hours while she rests on my chest but keeping my eyes open is nearly impossible!

Thanks in advance

A very anxious New Mum