What do I do?!?!


So I am 17 and my "Best friend" is 16. She has a bf and I am still single. She has already moved on to the level of giving him a hi and him fingering her. I feel like I am left behind and I really want to have a bf like this. Am I desperate and jealous? I want to be happy for my friend but when she tells me what happened I feel really bad about myself. Almost like I am disgusting and that's why no guy wants me. I was talking to this one guy who was flirting and making me feel good about myself. But then after I told him I didn't want to kiss him he got back with his ex and wants to talk with me still but I am hurt. I think he lied to me. Sorry 2 different problems and a long story....I am just feeling really depressed and insecure about myself now....thanks for the advice and tips in advance. oh and p.s when I put " around Best friend it's because of how she treats me.....I don't know if I should even call her best friend even though she calls me one.