

I had a miscarriage a few days after I found out i was pregnant last month. My period should have come on 10/24, but didn't bc i was pregnant. The nurse at the ob insisted we wait a full cycle before trying again. So we're weren't really trying but I calculated that I should have my period 11/20 (i went from when I should have had my period in October and counted the 28 days). That means im 3 days late. Just for fun i took a blue dye test on the 21, looked negative. But af still didn't come yesterday so took another blue dye, if you squinted really hard you could see a positive so i took a FR dye test and it was a faint positive. Took another blue dye this morning, negative then another FR and that was another faint positive but darker then yesterday. So could I really be pregnant? And what are the chances the baby is okay since we didn't wait a full cycle? Im really scared I'll have another miscarriage bc we conceived so early after the miscarriage