Father cuts child’s hair because he’s mad at mom

Tinesha • 26 y/o | Single boy mom.

Hello this is a kinda long story

So my LO first over night with his father ( he’s only known him for 4 months but he’s 15 months now). I️ get he wasn’t ready because he was sick and I️ had asked him to get the medical things needed since we hadn’t been given medicine to treat him better for asthma. I️ offered a proposal of pick up my son and dropping him off again early morning instead of an overnight and that I️ wanted to get my LOs hair cut and he could just take him and I’ll show him what I️ was thinking would be okay. He said no to I️t all and a little debate happened. Tuesday I️ just take my son to get the hair cut and even let his father know and send him pictures. He’s upset and I’m confused he said he was going to cut I️t himself... I️ said I️ never agreed to that because he’s not a professional and has never cut a child’s hair before. He said fine and done and he needed it. ( I️ never wanted my sons hair cut until he started pulled at it) Wednesday comes and his father texts me saying he has searched 4 stores and didn’t find any of the medical things needed. I️m upset because he waited last minute when I️ told him serval days before. Luckily my son was given prescriptions the day before but I️ was still waiting on them to be ready. A huge argued sprouts out and I️ am once again confused on why we aren’t on the same page for our child’s safety and health. I️ get the medicine and my mom drops off my son ( his father was real nasty towards me) an hour late unfortunately . Next day my mom picks me son up and everything seems normal. My son wants to nurse ( he’s breastfed and won’t take anything else and yes court didn’t care that the child was still nursing). I️ take my sons hat off because his cheeks are red and I️ see that his father has cut all the rest of his hair off...I’m pissed because I️ told him but he didn’t mention this to me or my mother he hid the fact that he did this. I️ text him that I’m upset and why did he do I️t, he ignored I️t and said make sure I️ brush his hair 3 times a day. At this point to me it’s clear he did this to be spiteful to me. What should I️ do? Am I️ over reacting. I️ felt bad for the first haircut because my son wasn’t happy that his hair was gone but I️ left some of I️t still. So please help me I️ fear that this is be a thing every time there’s an disagreement. My son looks just like me...

* insight *

When I️ was in a relationship with his father he did show aggression towards me and has even hit me. He also did some non consensual things and nothing could be done because lack of evidence, I️ broke up with him and moved back home and he wasn’t the nicest person for a pregnant woman he was a cussing me of cheating and sleeping around and that the baby wasn’t his. My mother and cousin blocked him from harassing me because I️ kept getting rushed to ER and had high bp and stress.