Someone help me figure this out..

Breanna • Walker Ray 💙

Okay, I have an almost 11 month old son and up until the last few weeks I EBF. But I’m trying to wean him, so he’s only been nursing 2-3 times a day. My period is kind of irregular. The first day of my last period is November 1st. I had unprotected sex on the 19th (during my fertile week) but that’s not completely accurate since I’m a bit irregular. I’m on the mini pill due to breastfeeding and I know you HAVE to take that perfectly for it to be effective. Well, I never have sex so I was never worried about it being perfectly taken. Well the night I had sex, I missed my pill. Now today, 4 days after sex, I went to the bathroom and had a little bit of blood but that was it. Could that be implantation? I didn’t have it with my first son. Kind of freakin out.

And yes, I know I should be more careful. I don’t need a lecture. I’m old enough to handle the fact that I could be pregnant.