PLEASE HELP: Boyfriend almost never wants to have sex and when he does...

He comes really really quickly. Like, within 3 minutes usually. When we weren’t living together we would go a couple weeks without sex because of circumstances, whatever. Now that we do live together though it’s driving me crazy... we’ve had sex once in the past two weeks we’ve been living together. Even if he doesn’t actually WANT to have sex, I feel like the bare minimum I want would be if he wanted ME. Like if he wanted me to be pleasured even if it’s not by penetration, and kissed/made out with me and helped me get off... If he knows I want it but he’s not in the mood he is just like “Baby, I’m really not in the mood” and continues doing whatever he’s doing... How do I handle this? It’s driving me crazy and honestly even though he always tells me it’s not me, and he’s always attracted to me I just feel like there’s no way he is and I’m unattractive...

FYI: he has a genetic disease in which he doesn’t make enough testosterone on his own and is supposed to put on the gel everyday to help with that, but he’s never been good at actually doing it consistently which makes me more frustrated because it feels like he doesn’t WANT to have more sexual... enthusiasm? And more than that, testosterone affects so much more when it comes to daily functioning and he should want to take care of himself, he’s way better at taking the other meds that he needs to take every day for his disease (those are more life or death though)