

So I don’t have snapchat and i kind of want it, a lot of my friends say that I should get it and a lot say no like don’t get sucked into it. But recently a lot of guys have been dming me on Instagram ( cheesy I know ) asking for my Snapchat and tbh I feel embarrassed and ashamed saying no, I’m not always wishing I had Snapchat but at times like this I wish I did. My mom dosent want me to have it because she thinks you become vain because u are always taking photos of yourself and she still thinks it’s for like sexting ( snapchats reputation). And also this guy I’m kinda into I think is into me as well and he keeps on nagging me about getting it and I can’t help but feel like if I got it we could become better friends. Getting it when my mom has specificly said no is not an optiin hehe I am to nice and couldnt do that to my mom, So any tips on how to persuade parents? What’s your view on Snapchat? Everything would be greatly appreciated THANKS