8 Days Late..

I posted on here a few days ago only being like 4 days late..? 3 ladies said to test but im too scared 🤦🏼

This app has never been wrong about my period, only a day off every now & then. My boobs have been soooo sore for over a week, I've been constipated for over a week, which I think is causing me to be bloated & feel a little nauseous (these past 3 days) after eating bc I'm that backed up, I keep having "period" like cramps but no period. I'm emotional on & off..

I just keep putting off to test, thinking I'll start. I may go to the doctor next Thursday (Nov. 30th) if AF still hasn't shown for a pregnancy test.. bc then that puts me as not having a period at all this month... but then again, I want to buy a test.. I'm anxious & I know sometimes you ladies post negatives & then the next day you out a positive, so I don't want a false test at all.

Y'all help my scared, nervous ass.