need to vent.. comment if you want

I deserve so much better... our history: we have 2 children together a 3 month old and a four year old. we have been on and off for 8 years we are young both 22 almost 23, he has cheated several times aka why we have be on and off. but the last year and a half he has been faithful... my problem is everything about him. i didnt realise that i how shitty he treats me until yesterday when i was venting to a male co-worker/friend of mine. but now i do and i know i deserve better and so do our children... i work 40 hours a week, in college full time, and i feel like a single mother when im not. he is laid off right now, making no money, but wont watch our children while i work, instead i am paying $115 a week for daycare. i wake up i get the boys and i dress, fed, and we play until its time for work. i take the boys to daycare, i work my 8 tp 10 hour shift, i pick the boys up, make dinner, eat, play, bathe and put them to bed, then i do hw... my fiance, wakes up, play videos all day and night, doesnt help with the boys, or the house, and goes to bed. when i have no daycare and he has to watch our boys i get 50 calls a day and always have to leave work early because "hes done dealing with them." he calls me names infront of our kids, claims i dont spend time with him even though he is glued to his game. he ignores our children while playing games, he spanks our oldest over the littlest thing. and i just now realised i we deserve better then this. I think im going to have a talk with him about all of this, see what he has to say and if things dont change im going to get a better job and leave.