please help!


my 7 month old has been sleeping through the night since the day she was born normally between the hours of 10pm until 9am, but for the last week has been a complete nightmare. she'll go to bed around 930-10 and wake up at 11pm and will be up until 2am. I had to quite my job because I have to wake up at 6am barley keeping my eyes open( I was only working to make a little more cash for my 2 kids. I have a son who's 2). Thank God my fiance makes enough money where I don't have to work. I need help! I want to sleep at night again. she is teething which I know has to have a part in this plus she's getting over being sick so she's congested. I did no naps at all yesterday so I could start putting her on a schedule and last night she was only until until 12 and woke up at 10