Sex/Foreplay 😜🍆

So to start off, me and my fiancé have a GREAT sex life! I cum so many times during sex & I love every bit of it! We start off by having a hot & steamy make out session then start kissing on each other then go down on each other, actually I go down on him, I always give him head before we have sex. He goes down on me once in while & he will do it if I ask. He says he’s not really into it but I’m getting turned on by him kissing on me anyways so it doesn’t bother me that he doesn’t give me head before sex every time like I do with him. Ever since I got pregnant, he WILL NOT give me head & he blames it on that “we women discharge a lot more” well I only like my clit licked & sucked on but whatever, I’m cool with it because I’m thinking “ok, well he will give me the best head when I’m not pregnant anymore & when I ask for it” We don’t even have our make out sessions & kissing on each other anymore. Honestly this is how it goes “you want to have sex?” I reply by “well duh!! 😝” then I give him head & we have sex with whatever position we go into & that’s it.. The sex is great, def not complaining in that area, but I told him that I would like to be turned on as well & since he doesn’t want to go down on me, I just ask that he kisses me all over & it will turn me on & make sex 1000x better! He says he will start doing it & I told him this about a month ago & I swear he only made out with me one time before sex.. Well tonight I asked if he wanted to have sex & he said yeah so as usual, I gave him head & while giving him head, I told him that he will “owe” me a lot of head when I’m not pregnant anymore & he looks at me with confusion & asks me what I meant by that & I said “I give you head every time before sex so you will have to give me some bomb ass head back” then he tells me he doesn’t know if he will & I asked why & his response was “I don’t want to” I was hurt at that point & I was so turned off that I just stopped giving him head & didn’t even want to have sex but we still had sex anyways. I don’t know if it’s the hormones but I’m literally crying over this shit because now I feel like for the rest of our lives together it will be me giving him head then sex & that’s it like I don’t get to have my pleasure... 😔😢 I feel like he will never turn me on before sex & I have already talked to him once about it & I don’t want him to feel like I’m nagging to the point where he wouldn’t want to have sex with me anymore. Also, I can’t just not give him head before sex or else he doesn’t want it & I def need the dick! 👌🏻 I don’t even know what to do... any advice? Anyone else ever have gone through this or is? I never had this problem before with my other exes, they didn’t mind giving me head, they actually enjoyed me cumming so this is the first time ever in a relationship that this problem occurred & also my fiancé has never made me cum giving me head because he was too tired to finish me off..