TTC after Eprc on 21/11/17


Hi Everybody this is my first post. I have just had a Eprc (also known as a D&C;) on Tuesday 21/11/17. This is my second miscarriage in 3 months. The first pregnancy was all a big whirlwind as I didn't know I was pregnant and my HCG levels weren't rising so I knew all was lost before it really began. I misscarried naturally and found out later it may have been twins so what I thought was my period being 5 days late was actually baby no.1. After lots of tests baby no.2 came out a week later. This time everything was perfect. We tried again on holiday over our first wedding anniversary and luckily got a BFP and we were just overjoyed. We had an early scan at 6+6 weeks and saw a beautiful baby with a heartbeat. Weeks passed and we were getting very excited. I noticed my symptoms were starting to fade in and out and convinced my husband to go for a private scan last Saturday 18/11/17. I should of been 10 weeks and after googling for days was excited to hopefully see a wriggly baby and hear that heartbeat. But it wasn't to be. The ultrasound lady was quiet and after studying the screen I knew something was wrong. The baby had got smaller than when we saw it at that first scan and there was no heartbeat. It was a missed miscarriage. Our hearts are broken. I've had the surgery and physically I'm ok, some light bleeding and little to no pain. We're not really sure what to do from here. Been advised to wait for that first period and to use condoms for a month to avoid infection but that won't give us a baby. Is anybody else in a similar situation with dates etc and have a story or any advise to share? Thank you. Lauren x