Falling out of love after baby?

Alexandra • enjoying being a ftm with my beautiful daughter that came into this world 11/7/2017 💕

Do/has anyone felt this way about their boyfriend/husband after having a baby? This is my first baby, and she was only born a little over 2 weeks ago, and I’m so in love with her, and I don’t see that my boyfriend has the same love for her like I do, and it’s a turn off. It started off with him coming back from a shift at work while I’m staying at home with the baby, and he never thought to go to her right away and hold her or at least kiss her on the cheek and talk to her, he just sat in the kitchen and ate his food. This happened multiple times. Might not seem like a big deal to most. But with your first child, I expected him to be excited to come home to her after a shift at work. He’s very impatient with her when she cries, and when she does he just tells me to go feed her (I’m breastfeeding). It’s like since I’m the one with the boobs, he gets a free pass to not try to calm her down. Tonight was my last breaking point. We live out of state, far away from our families, and we know a couple that have a family out of state too, so we decided to have thanksgiving together. While we were at our friends house he was very sweet to her, offered to help me with changing her diapers (which he never does at home) calm her down while crying, etc. THE MOMENT WE GET HOME, I lay her down for a little bit and start pumping because I needed to, and she was good for a few mins, and then started crying. My hands were full pumping, so i couldn’t pick her up and he just stared at me like, “are you gonna do something?” And I just snapped. I told him I was clearly busy, almost done pumping, and told him to talk to her and carry her and try to calm her down. So he picks her up, she continues to cry, and he says, “BABY YOU NEED TO FUCKING CALM DOWN.” Like excuse me? Idk if this is just my hormones out of whack and stress from being a first time mom with barely any sleep, but my god..... I feel like I’d rather do this myself... because I’d never cuss at my baby like that.. opinions and advice? 😞 am I being too hormonal? I don’t want any rude comments. I feel like I’m becoming depressed and it’s getting difficult. I feel like I need my family badly.💔