Lied to my face?


Okay so my boyfriend lied straight to my face the other week about something I confronted him about which I already knew the truth to. AND HE KNEW I KNEW THE TRUTH. Here’s what happened-

I don’t know if any of you are familiar with the college Snapchat accounts where they basically just post nudes and party addresses, but my boyfriend added one of these accounts probably about a year ago. I knew all of his friends had it and talked about it all the time, so while I wasn’t thrilled about him seeing all these nudes I knew that he mostly did it to keep up with his friends so I didn’t care too much. (Most of the girls they post are pretty nasty anyway).

Anyway, a few months later he was out of town hunting with his dad. There was a girl on there who looked very similar to me, and it was clearly taken by a guy who was probably the one to send it in. My boyfriend was convinced it was me and that I was cheating on him. Of course, after this we both agreed to delete the account.

Fast forward a few more months, he added it again and we got in a big fight about it. He finally deleted it, but it was like pulling teeth to get him to do so.

Then last week, I was snapchatting his friend back while he was driving and I saw that he had added it AGAIN. A couple of his friends were with us so I didn’t say anything, but I texted him about it when I got home that night. I don’t know if he fell asleep or just pretended to to avoid the situation, but he never responded so I just let it go until I saw him next.

When I confronted him about it, he said HE HADNT ADDED THEM. I told him I wasn’t stupid that I had already seen it on his phone and that he should just tell me the truth. He kept denying it until I threatened to kick him out of my car, then said he added it “for a friend” which makes no sense. I told him this and he said this friends phone wouldn’t let him add it so he added it and let him scan the account off his phone. I didn’t press him about this because even though that’s complete BULLSHIT I figured he’d probably just get mad and keep lying about it.

I’ve only ever caught him lying once ever before this, but now I don’t feel like I can trust him or believe anything he says.

What should I do? I’m really upset and confused by this.