Is he playing with my feelings?

Hi ladies, so i met this guy three months ago and we started 'dating' about a month ago. The thing is that we have only met thrice but have been texting alot until recently when the texting patterns started changing. I always tell him that we should meet up often because it just seems like we are doing this online. On Sunday i got mad at him because he went to a restaurant near my house and he did not come to see me or atleast invite me( i viewed his snap stories) . anyways on monday we talked about it and i decided to downplay it. We decided to start a fresh because we had been having too many issues all along. On Tuesday though, he went to play football near my house and he still did not call me or come to see me. I feel like he is playing games because he has time to do all the other things but never have time to spend with me. Plus he always comes online with vibes like "you're my queen bla bla you're worth it" . So what do you think ladies is there any hope or should i just call it quits ? Plus it has been two days without hearing from him. No phone calls no texts etc. I just see him spying on my snap stories