Where’s all my girls at TTC for 2nd child?

Virginia • Married , 3 year old boy and a 16 month old boy who has was born 6 weeks early , 💍 😘👶🏻💙

I’m currently ttc baby number 2 and I thought it be so much easier !! Turned out I was wrong!! It took me 3 years to get pregnant with my 1st who is now 17 months old. I gave up all hope of being a mom , stopped trying with him and than within 2-3 months I was pregnant ! I couldn’t believe it !!! I’m 34 now so I’m scared Time is not on my side!! I tried everything with my son, Ov predictors , basal temp, preeseed, EVERything !! It ruled my life so this time around I’m just going to track my OV and use this app. I really hope this happens soon !! I ruined my 1st pregnancy bc I was so nervous about every little thing so next time around I know what is normal . I feel like I’m being greedy bc I see how many women can’t even have one but one isn’t enough!! Every time I see someone worth a positive test or a pregnant women I get soooo jealous and I can’t stop looking at pics of myself pregnant ...lol I took one every day!! Well baby dust to all 😘😘😘😘