i am SO FUCKING PISSED OFF please tell me im not crazy **see edit***

long story short... gender reveal is next weekend...

handed out invites 2 weeks ago and NOBODY GOT IN TOUCH to tell me if theyre coming or not... not even my sister in law. my mother in law however said she would be there...so because nobody had rsvp i was slightly annoyed

but then yesterday my mil says a DISTANT relative we havent seen in iunno a YEAR is having their kids bday party on the same day and same time.... and its only just come out now... it hasnt been planned for long at all and i seriously think it was done on purpose to fuck up my gender reveal. well EVERYONES going to it

My mother in law asked me to change my gender reveal to work around these other people and i said no. my sister in law just called to say that they were trying to get a hold of me to invite me to this kids party..... and i said well im not goijg because thats my gender reveal. my sister in law said ok and said she wont be going to it then because shes going to this kids party....

so now nobody is coming to my gender reveal except my brother in law and my sister... my husband said to hell with the rest of them we will just do our own little thing with the people who matter... but i cant help but feel so fucking betrayed by my own mother and sister in law. am i crazy or would this hurt u 2?

***edit*** i wonder if its worth mentioning nobody (supposedly) liked this particular couple (not the childs fault) but i cant stand them. the dad is a alcoholic who calls his kid motherfucker and the kid actually answers to it, they talk about sex in front of kids and other people and they both walked in while i was giving birth 2 years ago and told the midwife that next time i should take it up the ass. they got removed by security. this is why nobody really has anything to do with them.. again not the kids fault but we haven't seen or heard from them in about 12 or 18 months... my husband works 2 weekends out of the month and this is our only opportunity to do a reveal in december. we both work 2 jobs. the kids actual birthday isnt for another 2 weeks. i feel like theyve tried to sabotage our gender reveal and it might not be that important to have one but it is to me and i sent out invites weeks ago and immediate family is choosing them over me and it makes me feel like they dont care.