Periods after miscarriage

Lexi • 💍Austin James 👼🏻 Bennett James 08/07/2017 👶🏻🌈🦄💕 Jordyn Leigh due 11/08/18

Back before I got on birth control (in high school) my periods were ridiculously heavy with major blood clots and tons of cramping. The birth control helped tame everything. I stopped taking my birth control in January of this year and my periods still seemed pretty normal as if I was still taking my birth control. I conceived in May and ended up miscarrying in August. My first period after my miscarriage wasn’t too heavy. But my last two periods have been RIDICULOUS. So heavy to the point where I’m bleeding through super tampons! Is this normal? Or is this something that I should get checked out by my doctor? Any advice/stories would be great!! Thank you in advance.