Boyfriend & Ex ....

I have been having a hard time trusting my boyfriend. We've been together almost a year. And sadly he's been caught talking to other girls in sexual ways and trying to hook up.

And each time... Yes I forgave him... because he never actually had sex with these women. Also because he would cry and beg to stay in my life blah blah blah we know the petty shit men say when they know you're serious of not wanting shit with them.

So I went through my boyfriends' phone earlier out of curiosity. And I caught him and the father of my youngest talking. And I mean these fucking assholes were talking shit about ME! Like, I am amazed on how big of a fake asshole my boyfriend is! This man would sit and talk so much shit about the father of my baby for not being a part of her life and refusing to pay child support and here they are both talking shit about me...My boyfriend is Seriously telling our relationship problems to my ex and then the father of my baby really tells him... "keep trying harder buddy" As in don't give up on me just try harder... It doesn't bother me that are actually getting along... it bothers me that these two fucktard sat on messenger and had the nerve to talk shit about me calling me a hoe all simply because they didn't get things their way. Idk about you ladies,... but I don't let off too easily. I don't let NO MAN TELL ME SHIT! I found it almost amusing of this idiot to do shit like this. I think I would of reacted less if it was him talking to another lady. But my fucking ex?? Both talking shit about me?? And in the end encouraging one another??!! What KIND OF BRO CODE IS THIS?! SOMEONE PLZ HELP ME UNDERSTAND. I told my coward boyfriend get the fuck out of my house with his talking ass about "I love you, we getting married, I want another baby!" GTFOH ..... ANYWAYS... he refuses to leave and crying his petty eyes out. I locked me and baby in my room and waiting the night out. Sorry, idk if you guys think I'm overreacting, but if he loved me like he says, wants to get married, and we're currently TTC, he wouldn't be tagging up with my ex talking shit about me, disrespecting mr. No man in his right man does that type of bullshit. I'm not in high school I got a baby to raise. I don't need the cherry on top type of drama.