Ovulating? Confused!!


I have irregular periods (71-86 day cycles) I've been to the GP and had blood tests and scans and I'm all okay, everything's normal I'm just one of the unlucky ones (unlucky when trying to conceive) I've been tracking my ovulation every 2 days and I'm currently on Cycle day 23. I took the first test on the 20th at 11PM and as you can see VVVFL so obviously that's a negative.

However, 2 days later , there was a massive difference in the line.

Skip to 10PM tonight (24th) and the line is a little darker but very faded on one side. I've BD the last couple of days but am very confused as I thought You ovulated 14 or so days before your period however I'm no where near that!! Help!!


I'm more than certain these are positives (CD 24&25)